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Your State’s Favorite Hallmark Christmas Movie

If Hallmark® movies are your passion, December is far and away the most wonderful time of the year. Last year, 72 million viewers tuned into the popular channel and treated themselves to wholesome love stories against the backdrop of falling snow, presents under the tree, and a hearty helping of Christmas spirit. Do your Hallmark […]

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What Does Your State Gobble—Er, Google®—on Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and if you’re like many Americans, the word itself conjures the sweet scent of pumpkin pie, mouth-watering images of mashed potatoes, and (perhaps) an undercurrent of anxiety about cooking that all-important turkey just right. But no matter how steeped they are in Thanksgiving traditions, people in every state still […]

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Lights! Camera! North Carolina! 8 Shows and Movies Set in North Carolina

North Carolina’s diverse geography and natural beauty make it an ideal setting for a variety of films and TV shows. Many remember the folksy, easy-going (fictional) town of Mayberry and the gritty but charming world of Bull Durham’s minor league baseball shenanigans. And the misty Blue Ridge Mountains happen to be a perfect setting for […]

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What Your State is Googling on Halloween

With Halloween just around the (haunted) corner, the team at CenturyLinkQuote wondered what Americans are up to during this spooky season. And what better way than to take a peek at the nation’s search habits? Using Google Trends to look at top search queries near All Hallow’s Eve last year, the CLQ team found some […]

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Tips for Riding Out the Most Dangerous Storms in the US

Recent weather trends have produced storms of increased intensity and frequency, and power. Reports from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration state that natural disasters caused over $1.5 trillion in damage since the ‘80s. Hurricanes, floods, and wildfires contributed to that staggering total. Hurricanes Maria, Harvey, and Irma, plus forty other tropical cyclones, caused […]

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The Future of Fiber: Where Do We Go from Here?

In the telecommunications world, fiber refers to the delivery of information—like TV and internet signals—over fiber-optic cables. These cables are made of paper-thin strands of glass or plastic woven together into bundles, translating signals into pulses of light so they can travel through the strands. Fiber brings with it some great benefits, such as affordable […]

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