Category Archives: Phone

Tips for Riding Out the Most Dangerous Storms in the US

Recent weather trends have produced storms of increased intensity and frequency, and power. Reports from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration state that natural disasters caused over $1.5 trillion in damage since the ‘80s. Hurricanes, floods, and wildfires contributed to that staggering total. Hurricanes Maria, Harvey, and Irma, plus forty other tropical cyclones, caused […]

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Most Popular Social App by State

How long has it been since you checked your Facebook app? How about Instagram or Snapchat? We’re guessing that whether you’re at work or home, it’s only been a few hours—or minutes?—since your fingers last started itching for your social fix. And, depending on where in the US you live, we may be able to […]

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Make Your Phone Work for You, Not Against You, at Work

In theory, smartphones should make you more productive at work. After all, they give you easy access to email, let you chat with colleagues about important issues, and notify you about scheduling changes and upcoming meetings. But since you’re likely reading this article on your smartphone—and at work, too—you don’t need me to tell you […]

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Internet Safety Guide: Parental Controls

Between school and social interactions, kids are using the Internet at younger ages than ever. But news stories about cyberbullying, chat room deceptions, adult websites, and online scams can worry parents. What could their child find online? Will they become a victim of fraud or mean-spirited tricks? While it’s nearly impossible to watch over your […]

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CenturyLink Corporate Social Responsibility: Charitable Actions, Government Challenges, & More

Since its founding over 85 years ago, CenturyLink has been committed to corporate social responsibility (CSR). The company believes positively impacting society and the environment isn’t just smart — it’s also good business. It leaves the world better than it was; leads to conscientious economic developments; and improves quality of life for employees, customers, and […]

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The Internet of Things in the Smart Home

The Internet of Things (IoT) describes the network of Internet-connected devices — including everything from smartphones, vehicles, and refrigerators — that sense and communicate with their environment, and each other. There are 6.4 billion IoT devices today, and Gartner predicts that number will reach 20.8 billion by 2020, largely due to growth in the consumer market. […]

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10 Best Cities for Technology

Silicon Valley isn’t the only hotbed of technology anymore. Today, tech companies in all industries — from healthcare and financial services to energy and robotics — are settling across the United States. Many states now have burgeoning tech centers accompanied by growing job markets. The following list highlights 10 of today’s top tech cities and […]

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A Quick Tutorial on How To Check Your IP Address

Once upon a time, the only address you needed to know was your residential address. But the Internet has changed all that: in addition to your physical address, you now likely have an email address, as well as an Internet Protocol (IP) address. If you aren’t sure exactly what an IP address is, don’t be […]

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What’s the Difference Between DSL and Home Phone?

There are many ways to connect to the internet, but Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) is one of the most reliable and long-standing connections still in use. Because DSL uses existing phone lines to transmit data, it was one of the first widely available methods for both businesses and homes to get online. DSL is still […]

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What Is a PSTN?

The Public Switched Telephone Network, or PSTN, is the traditional public telephone network that facilitates communication all over the world. Also known as the Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS), PSTN is how phone calls are placed through hardwired landlines, using a dedicated circuit between two points. In addition, the PSTN provides much of the infrastructure […]

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