Residential Fiber Internet Benefits | CenturyLink®- CenturyLinkQuote
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The benefits of residential fiber internet

Last Updated on August 14, 2023 by Scott Stanley

If you’ve heard of fiber internet but remain skeptical about switching, we hear you. In this article, we’ll explain the hype around fiber, why it’s becoming more standard, and the difference it can make to your home internet use.

What is so special about fiber internet?

Fiber-optic technology developed in the 1980s as a way to connect Web servers across wider and wider geographical areas. Made of thin strands of fiberglass, fiber optics could transfer gigabits of data without losing many packets to heat—something no other cable could do.

As residential internet uses such as chat, gaming, and streaming required more speed, internet providers had to add more fiber to their networks. By the 2010s, it was finally feasible to start installing residential fiber internet, with fiber cabling right to the home.Fiber is one of the original high-speed internet technologies—and it will continue to support data-heavy internet uses, such as participating in the metaverse, well into the future.

The benefits of fiber internet in residential areas

There are three key benefits of residential fiber internet:

  • Fast speeds. The more Mbps (Megabits per second) in your download and upload speed, the more bandwidth you have for devices and activities. Depending on your last plan, fiber speeds could mean better HD picture quality, multiplayer gaming, or simply more users on your network.
  • Symmetrical uploads. On a fiber network, upload speeds are equivalent to download speeds. That means if you work remotely, freelance, or create content for a living, you’ll be able to upload files to employer servers, client portals, and social platforms as fast as you can download files.
  • Low latency. Latency measures how quickly your connection completes an action online, such as clicking a button. High latency means delay and frustration, while low latency means smooth sailing. Depending on your last plan, a switch to fiber could mean fewer dropped calls, gaming glitches, and streaming hiccups.

Is fiber worth it for a home network?

Yes. Residential fiber internet prices have come down a lot in the past couple of years—in some cases, enough to compete with plans at lower download and upload speeds. For an idea of fiber prices today, check out CenturyLink fiber internet plans. Plan speeds run up to 940 Mbps at ultra-low latency on the professionally designed Quantum network.

The benefits of fiber internet for business

Business customers face higher stakes than residential customers when choosing an internet service. Any issue, and they risk productivity and revenue, not just a few hours of entertainment.

With fiber internet for business, solopreneurs and small businesses may be able to support new employees, spring for more data-intensive software solutions, or back up more data reliably.

In sum: for residential and business customers alike, fiber internet service could be a path to serious speed at lower prices than you expected.To find out if CenturyLink fiber internet has expanded to your area, check availability here.

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